Monday 10 December 2012

Christmas quilt

We have no Christmas traditions in our family. *Yet*.
I know it sounds somewhat sad, but reality is such, that we don't have any immediate family (parents or siblings) to spend Christmas with. My husbands parents passed away and my lot is 3 hours flight away. Besides I grew up in Soviet Union and Christmas didn't even exist there back then. So yeah, no traditions to speak off... Or to pass to our children.
But it's ok.
There's a silver lining to this though. We can MAKE UP our own traditions as we go. Isn't that great?! I think that's fabulous. So we started with Advent calendar, then Erline Elf came along. And now I decided that we need a Christmas quilt. It will come out every year when Christmas tree is decorated and will be put away again in January. I've got vision of children sitting on it by the Christmas tree on Christmas morning, opening their gifts. It makes me all warm inside :)

So there it is, our Christmas Quilt.

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