Monday 3 December 2012

Very quick Advent Calendar

To be honest, I wasn't going to have advent calendar. However, my 3.5 year old daughter is now asking me if it's Christmas yet. Every morning :) I tell her that not yet, then she asks if it's tomorrow. Or day after tomorrow. Or day after after tomorrow. Well, you get the idea. I need an advent calendar to help her understand how many days there's left.

So I started looking for one. But none of the ones that I had seen had this clear visual count down feature.  Until saw one mama on the patenting forum make toilet roll advent calendar. That was it! It was perfect and I had to make one immediately as it was 2nd of December already (so 2 days too late by then).

I didn't have toilet rolls, so I used paper tube from gift wrapping paper. Cut it up, sewn the bottoms up, decorated (I went for messy torn paper look). Strung them together, pined some pretty paper onto cork board and then pinned strings. 2 hours later I had an advent calendar. Bit wonky, but will do the job perfectly. And I can remove one pocket each day, so my daughter can see, that there is less days left and can count them.

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